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Cover Letter

Updated: Jan 2, 2022


Choose the same formatting (fonts, font sizes, line distances etc.) for all your application documents. Avoid different fonts and font sizes or double formatted characters (e.g. bold and italic). Avoid orthographic mistakes. Write short and simple sentences.

Side edges

  1. Left: 24,1 mm

  2. Right: 8,1 mm

  3. Bottom: 16,9 mm

  4. Top: 16,9 mm


Write all application documents with the same font. We recommend one of the the following:

  • Calibri

  • Helvetica

  • Arial

Font size

11 or 12

Line distance

1,2 or 1,5


Place every 3-7 lines a break and a blank line.


1,5 pages max.


  1. Head (personal information, address of employer)

  2. Introduction (place and date, subject, arouse interest, current personal position)

  3. Body (qualification, motivation)

  4. End (reference to targeted employer and position)


Your contact information:

  • First name and family name

  • Street, street number

  • Postal code, city

  • e-mail address

  • phone number

Address of the company:

  • Correct company name

  • Department

  • First name and family name of recipient

  • Street, street number

  • Postal code, city


  • Write place and date on the right hand side.

  • Subject line: What you are applying for?

  • If you already have been in contact with the HR department (job fair, phone call etc.), refer to it.

  • Describe your recent position (e.g. student or graduate of Hochschule Darmstadt, course of studies, semester, bachelor or master).


  • Describe, why you are the perfect candidate: Present relevant experiences and tasks you already accomplished in your studies, internships and jobs. Just teaser the information – the details should be written in the CV.

  • If you don’t meet the full requirement for a job (or if your language skills have not yet proceeded enough etc.) make clear that you are interested in further training and that you will learn soon.

  • Confirm your motivation for the advertised position: Why do you apply at this company for this job?


  • Mention, when you would like to start your job.

  • Only if you are asked to: Give information about the annual salary you are aiming at.

  • Mention that you are looking for a job interview.

  • Complimentary close.

  • Sign with your full name (handwritten with ink – for e-mail- or online-applications please scan your Cover Letter).



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