What are Meldebestätigung, Meldebescheinigung and Wohnraumbescheinigung?
When you move into a new locality, the Bürgerbüro/Bürgeramt of your local Rathaus issues a confirmation of residence registration. This is Meldebestätigung. This is a one time document and only for the records.
Everytime you need to produce an address proof or residence proof, you get a certificate called Meldebescheinigung from the Rathaus. This is tightly coupled to the issue date - which proves that you are residing there at that point in time. Usually, if the Meldebescheinigung is more than 1-2 months old, it is already outdated and you might need to apply for a new one.
Wohnraumbescheinigung is a certificate which confirms the space you have in your residence. As per German law, there must be at least 15 sq.m. per person in a residence, including when you invite guests to stay over. Typically this requires you to fill up the form stating the areas of each of your rooms and then getting it sealed at the Bürgerbüro. If you are living in a rental residence, your landlord might need to sign the Wohnraumbescheinigung before it is sealed by the Bürgerbüro.